After photographing snow and trees for 18 months

Guests enjoying the food, and eachothers company, at Cafe Ceylon

Itā€™s just such a relief to be able to photograph people, and to have more colors to work with than white and the occasional green. Seriously, I was beginning to doubt my ability to take photos during my time at home in the north of Sweden. Really felt desperate to take some pictures, but there were hardly any to be taken. Not of what I wanted to photograph anyway. On the other hand, Iā€™ve learned a lot about taking pictures of snow ā€¦ but in the long run, how much fun is that?

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m taking every opportunity to photograph people here in Sri Lanka. Did the beach market at Mamboā€™s last weekend and this past weekend I got into a trishaw, yes itā€™s the Indian thing again, Iā€™m used to calling them rickshaws, to Ahangama and Cafe Ceylonā€™s Saturday market. And I love being on the road in a three wheeler, which is another name for a tuktuk here, even though I was in an accident in one of them in Kerala a long time ago, because youā€™re in the middle of everything thatā€™s going on on the road.

One happy seller, I think, at Cafe Ceylon last Saturday.

Basically I was going to do some shopping, which I forgot during the last market, but of course I brought my camera with me and took some photos. I just love sticking my camera up peoples faces and taking their portrait, and this is a new thing for me, I used to be so shy but ā€¦ not anymore. But I also love to be a silent, invisible, bystander and just document whatā€™s happening.

Here are some of the photos from the market. Also, there are some good things to buy and great food and drinks to be had. And of course, itā€™s nice to get together with other people. Especially for me who spends so much time in my room editing photos infront of my computer.

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12 responses to “After photographing snow and trees for 18 months”

  1. You said so much interesting things that i’ll be here the whole day if I was to quote all them haha

    When you said: “Seriously, I was beginning to doubt my ability to take photos during my time at home in the north of Sweden”

    I am glad that you ultimately pushed yourself becuse experience matters and by going out there and actually trying it, does help alot, and as we can see, sometimes things turnout better then expected.

    We all start somewhere and we have our own individual ways of developing with time, plus you have your heart in this and you actually love what you are doing, which I can tell by the respect and the dilligence that you put into something that is basically apart of your life.

    So I really honor your dedication and the sights and scenes in these photos are remarkable šŸ‘šŸ˜‡šŸ’•šŸ’•

    • Thanks! Yes, I somehow expected that I still would be able to take photos even after my dry spell up north šŸ˜‰ I wanted to do it so badly and so I did, it happened last year too when I got to Portugal and hadn’t taken any fun photos for months and suddenly was taking photos like crazy. So, sometimes not doing stuff for a while makes you better!

      • No problem, you are very welcome šŸ’™.

        When you said you doubted your “ability” to take photos, did you mean because of the inconvenience of the circumstances?, or were you talking about it in terms of “confidence”?, because at first I thought you meant that your self-confidence in your ability to take photos was becoming low šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚; it seems like you were talking about the “conditions” of the circumstance not being what you thought were “ideal” hahaha.

        But point taken overall — sometimes not doing stuff for a while does make you better in terms of building up your eagerness and enthusiasm over an oppertunity to finally be able to do a particular thing LOL. Sometimes not doing stuff for a while makes you better because you were very tired and just needed a break šŸ¤£

      • Well, I sort of doubted my ability as a photographer but it also seemed with this never ending pandemic that I would never get the chance again to take the photos I love. So, sort of both šŸ˜‰

      • Hahaha cool — got it. Thanks for the clearing that up and I am very happy that you are finally able to travel again and do your photography and actually have a fun time while doing so. Please have a great day and I am looking foward to more of whatever you have in store šŸ‘šŸ˜‚.

  2. “Yes Iā€™m alright šŸ˜„ in a pretty place, good swimming and food, plus sunshine šŸ¤˜”

    šŸ˜„šŸ’™ I am very happy to hear that, it sounds very good. Enjoy every moment šŸ™ŒšŸ˜‚šŸ’Æ

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