You can’t always get what you want, you get what you need

Here I am. In beautiful Bali in the most perfect hotel room for editing photos and writing. Is a lovely palace like room it’s just that it has a bad mobile reception in the rooms. And maybe that’s what I need? To take a back from internet and social media? Just like one of my all time favorite bands sang, “You can’t always get what you want, you get what you need”. Also realized that standing in the corridor with my computer on the railing is quite a good work position, like a stand up desk, although it’s a bit dangerous since I have to be careful not to let the computer slide off the railing and fall down to the concrete floor one level below.

Anyhow, I really love it here. Took a lot of work to get here, probably spent 20 hours on paperwork. Did my 2 nights and 3 days of quarantine at a very nice hotel in Uluwatu, of which I slept a big part of the time. Then stayed at another great hotel in Nusa Dua where I was only supposed to stay for two nights but ended up staying 6 nights. At least, that’s how many nights I think I stayed. Have been letting the days go by without having to strict plans, more of a general idea about what I want to do. Feels like this is the place where I’m supposed to be and that I’ve got plenty of time. Have been watching some surfing but not taken any photos yet. But I know some I’m going to take.

The thing is, which I sometimes feel guilty about, that you can stay at amazing hotels for a very good price. I would normally not stay at this kind of hotels but now, when there are few tourists here, you can get good deals. And still, the hotels are giving you the same good service and food as if it was busy season.

And, since I posting this from my phone, all of these photos are taken with it too. Just a brief of what I’ve been up to, mainly eating, sleeping, and swimming.

Ganesha, and oh yes, I’m still learning.
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39 responses to “You can’t always get what you want, you get what you need”

  1. awww so envy 😃
    I miss that beautiful island.
    Especially I miss the breakfast, cute monkeys and balinese smiles 😆
    Enjoy your spring break🌸🌛🐒💕

    • Oh, I am enjoying it and the food 🙏 and met some nice monkey’s this time. Last time I was here one hungry and wet Uluwatu monkey bit me 🙊 but you seem to be living on another beautiful island!

  2. Thanks for sharing what you were up too 👍💙😆. I am happy for you that all of those hours of paperwork payoff and that you were actually able to proceed to this remarkable place. Although the internet might not have been top rank in that particular circumstance, your time there seemed to be well worth all of the efforts, haha.

    • Thanks 🙏 and now I’ve published another post because have so many unpublished photos from this last year. Never published because… lack of internetz 😹 the story of my life this year.

      • Hahaha, you are on a roll 🤭😂. I am glad you were able to post more pictures that were held back because of internet issues; it’s like something you are finally able to get off of your chest and cross off on your list ✌️✌️😂

      • Might be 🤞 have a big backlog to put up some good stuff from. And probably, the texts will have nothing to do with the photos 😹

  3. i could imagine how big your backlog is 😂😂. Hahaha don’t worry about the text, we will try to “make sense of it” LOL

    • If there is any sense to be made of it. According to the tarot I just laid out, there’s going to be even more chaos. But also the most creative period ever. So … no idea. Just enjoy the ride 🎢

      • Hahaha understood stood, that’s exactly what it’s all about 🙏💯✌️😄. You just enjoy the ride and we will take care of the “hard work” in deciphering what it all means 👌🤣🤣

      • Deal 👍😆, I can’t waite, even if it takes me all year 🤣🤭🤭. But just make sure you have fun 😄🤗💗🌹

  4. “Working on the fun part 🤞 have to loosen up a bit more. Oh, I will! Just been in a bit of a mood today 😹”

    I wish you the best with that 😄🤞🤞.

    Awwww don’t worry about it, everything will be ok my friend 😄🤗💙. Your mood will cheer-up as soon as you see more great places, animals and meet more wonderful people (atleast that’s what I wish for you 😂☺️🙏🙏)

    • Oh thanks 🙏 I’ve been recuperating for a while now since I got here but it’s soon time to step out into the world 🌎 traveling is sometimes exhausting so I have to take a step back once in a while.

      • I totally understand that 💯😂. It would be difficult for you to fully be immersed or to enjoy the experience if you are tired and feel drained for the majority of the time, so it is very important that you get the rest that you need, especially if you are on your own and you are doing the majority of the work or the tasks by yourself 🙏🙏💯

      • Yeah it seems to me like you were but don’t give up 🤗☺️🙏. Just try to resist taking on more than you can manage 👍😄💙💙

      • Thanks 🙏 It’s just that I want to do things too 😉 so have to stop paying attention to what people think of me I guess. And just stay in my room all day if I feel like it 😊

  5. “Was it this one? But I thought I replied to it? Met nice dogs 🐕 today, saw and photographed beautiful places, and met nice people 👌”
    Yes you did respond to this one, that is certainly clear 🤔🤔. The comment that I left would have been in response to your latest comment where you mentioned “traveling is sometimes exhausting”, so my reply to that is probably in your “spam” folder 😂😂. But respond fresh to that if anything lol.

    Hahahaa those are huge plusses, i am glad that’s how it went down 👍😂.

  6. “But [I would] respond fresh to that if anything lol.” <—- that's what i meant to say; sorry if there was confusion 😄

  7. “Thanks 🙏 It’s just that I want to do things too 😉 so have to stop paying attention to what people think of me I guess. And just stay in my room all day if I feel like it 😊”


    You are welcome💙👋🤗🤗. LOL, yes If that’s what you think you need, then go for it. Take care of your self without regrets — you are not a robot 💯🙌🙌😂

      • Yes i can imagine; I also had forgotten that you were from Sweden but it is all cleared up now 😄😄.

        🤣🤣 no wonder you get around so much, shoveling snow and swimming has certainly had great effect on your muscles 👏😄

    • It is 🙏 and yesterday I realized that I’m beginning to feel at home here too! But that’s when I have to start paying attention because, when I feel at home at a place then I start taking it for granted, and being able to live in a place like this isn’t something I’ve ever imagined I could do 🙏 so, have to appreciate my surroundings every day 😊 oh, a bit confusing reply… but I just woke up 😉

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